Future Directions
Future Directions is a three year study program operated by Israel Elwyn to acquire professional technology certification and develop employment skills.
The program enables young adults with disabilities aged 18 to study in a Ministry of Education program for technological certification and acquire the soft skills necessary to improve their chances for optimal inclusion in the competitive job market.
The program includes a gradual introduction to relevant issues, including employment competency and personal development, theoretical studies, various professional fields, course studies, and a pilot work experience period. Special emphasis is placed on the development of employer-employee relations and promoting the concept of including young people with disabilities in the comptetive job market.
For additional information and program registration (Hebrew only): www.megama.org.il
- Auxiliary education.
- Studies towards professional certification, development of work habits and employment skills.
- Professional courses and introduction to various career options.
- Hands-on work experience and practice.
- Assistance in job placement and locating available positions in the competitive job market.
- Tours of various business operations.
- Preparation for National Service and army service.
- Young people with disabilities finishing 12th grade who participate in an inclusive program, attend special education classes in regular schools or attend special education schools.
- Young people with the potential to participate in the competitive job market.
- Young people who demonstrate motivation to join the program.
- Young people capable of functioning independently.
- Young people not eligible for a high school diploma (te’udat bagrut).
- A student not eligible to receive a full high school diploma (te’udat bagrut) upon completion of 12th grade.
- Students with a passing grade in at least two of three courses.
- Students capable of functioning independently.
- A student who does not fulfill the aforementioned conditions may possibly be accepted into the program based on the recommendation of educational staff at his / her present place of study. The recommendation should include an assessment of the student’s ability to meet the program’s requirements.
- Absence of dangerous behavior on the part of the student towards himself / herself or his / her surroundings.
The program was developed at the initiative of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs in collaboration with JDC Israel and is operated by Israel Elwyn.
The program was developed by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs in conjunction with the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and is operated by Israel Elwyn.