
Let's be partners!

These are indeed difficult and challenging days in Israel and Israel Elwyn has decided to establish a temporary Emergency Fund to support service recipients and staff members who have been affected, for repairing and renovating buildings used by the organization and that have been damaged and for any other urgent needs created by the security situation.

We call on you to make a generous donation to Israel Elwyn’s Emergency Fund and hope and pray for better days.

Please indicate with your contribution that your donation is earmarked for the Emergency Fund.    

Thank you!

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Israel Elwyn is a registered association (number 580060952) and has a Proper Management Certificate from the Registrar of Associations. It is recognized for donations according to section 46 of the income tax laws in Israel.
Cancellation of a transaction in accordance with the Consumer Protection Regulations (cancellation of a transaction), 2010-5771 and the Consumer Protection Law, 5571-1981.


Making the donation is immediate and is done through a secure clearing system that complies with the strictest international PCI standard, to protect your credit .information It is not possible to donate using a Diners card.


Contributions from the United States and Canada are recognized as tax deductible in accordance with the tax laws of each country.

Additional donation options

Donate via Paypal, check or direct transfer to the account go here


Igul L’Tova – Israel Elwyn You can make a difference and be a part of Israel Elwyn’s contribution to Israeli society.

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