Youth & Young Adult Programs
Youth & Young Adult Programs
Creating a Future
The Creating a Future transitional program for high school students with disabilities prepares and introduces them to the various opportunities available on completion of their studies. The program also provides hands-on experience for the competitive job market and supports them in developing their future orientation as potential members of the work force.
Jerusalem & Southern Israel Branch, Elwyn El Quds Branch, Haifa & Northern Israel Branch, Sharon & Central Israel Branch
Future Directions
Future Directions is a three-year study program operated by Israel Elwyn to provide professional technology certification and employment competency.
The program enables young adults with disabilities aged 18+ to study in a Ministry of Education program for technological certification and to acquire the soft skills necessary to improve their chances in the competitive job market.Nationwide
Reshet Youth Center
The Reshet program supports students aged 16-18 with physical, sensory or complex learning disabilities enrolled in regular schools.
The program helps students to explore the opportunities and possibilities available to them upon completion of school, such as military service, national service, professional and academic studies or employment in the competitive job market.Holon
For a Change
The For a Change program was developed with the belief that young people with disabilities are capable of volunteering and that they deserve the chance to contribute and influence the community like any other young person.
Israel Elwyn intends to apply the knowledge gained from the program’s development and from the activities in all the schools attended by students with disabilities.Jerusalem & Southern Israel Branch, Elwyn El Quds Branch, Haifa & Northern Israel Branch, Sharon & Central Israel Branch
After School Enrichment Services
Israel Elwyn’s After School Enrichment Services enables special education students to take part in various enrichment activities after regular school hours. The program provides knowledge and skills beyond those that are taught during regular morning school hours and encourages active student participation.
Haifa & Northern Israel Branch, Elwyn El Quds Branch
Mosaic – National Service for All
The Mosaic Program provides supports for volunteers who participate in national service programs through the nonprofit organizations that enable young people with disabilities who are exempt from IDF military service and between ages 18-27 to take part in national service.
Inclusion in Uniform
Israel Elwyn is proud to participate in the Inclusion in Uniform program initiated by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The program enables young adults with disabilities who are exempt from serving in the military to volunteer for meaningful service.
Shoval – Equal in Education
The Shoval – Equal in Education program enables people with intellectual disabilities or autism to enter institutions of higher education and to learn about different academic fields, such as communications, law, psychology and others, while also participating in the overall academic student experience. The program was established in a cooperation between the Rabin Leadership Program at IDC Herzliya and Israel Elwyn.
Reichman University,
Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology