
Retiree Day Programs


Retiree Day Programs

Israel Elwyn’s Retiree Programs provide services for seniors with disabilities who are interested in full or partial retirement from the job market. We offer these individuals opportunities for community volunteerism and participation in day programs that enable them a rich social life and the development of new areas of interest.

Retirees enjoy social interaction with their peers and a range of adapted physical, cognitive, emotional and enrichment activities that suit their age-sensitive needs. The activities consist of study groups and expressive and creative therapies that include autobiographical writing, computer lessons, and more.

Additionally, medical services, professional therapies, and individual plans provide support in delaying the onset or progress of age-related diseases and promote quality of life.

Target Population

Seniors with disabilities aged 50 and over interested in full or partial retirement from the job market.

Referring Organizations

The Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs via local municipal authorities.

Program's Acceptance Procedures

Acceptance into the program is subject to approval by an acceptance committee that consists of the local authority’s department of social services and Israel Elwyn’s program staff, in accordance with the service recipient’s wishes.


Sunday through Thursday, between 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM (with flexibility for each individual).

Volunteer Activity

We welcome volunteers interested in joining the enrichment programs (alternative medicine, computer proficiency classes, art, and more).
Volunteers that come to the program include private individuals, college students, National Service volunteers, high school students, organized groups, and employee organizations. Activity is adapted to correspond to each volunteer’s preferences and the program’s needs. Potential volunteers are invited to contact the individuals below.

For Additional Information Please Contact arrow
Jerusalem & Southern Israel Branch
Jerusalem & Southern Israel Branch
Elwyn El Quds
Haifa and Northern Israel Branch
Sharon and Central Israel Branch

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