Rights Coordinator Course
A special course designed to impart the acquisition of skills for community activists with or without a disability in the area of rights fulfillment exists as part of the unique framework of cooperation developed between Israel Elwyn’s Haifa and Northern Israel Branch and the University of Haifa’s Flagship Program.
The goal of the course is to train Rights Coordinators who will guide and assist people with disabilities and their families in the fulfillment of their rights. Course participants receive a Rights Coordinator Certificate from the University of Haifa’s Department of External Studies.
People with or without disabilities who express an interest in community activism and volunteerism in the field of rights fulfillment. Each course numbers 20 participants, at least half of whom will be people with disabilities or relatives of a person with a disability. The remaining participants will be professionals and/or community activists.
Prospective program participants are required to pass an admissions interview.
The National Insurance Institute of Israel (BItuach Leumi), the Municipality of Haifa and the University of Haifa’s “Flagship Program”
- 052-6024450
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- Yifat Pinto-Kahana